Tuesday 24 September 2024

Changes in the landscape of the insurance industry in Singapore are a symptom of societal changes you should be ready for.

Allianz, a Swiss insurer, is buying 51% of NTUC Income, a Singapore insurer. So far ‘so good’. But the reason why this has created lots of debate is that NTUC Income was born as a co-operative, and still has the aim “to make insurance accessible, affordable and sustainable for all”. Value, not profit, is maximised for customers.”(1) I think most people would agree that this is not really what Allianz is known for, hence the fear that the social side of the insurer; and probably even more, a decline of the role of trade unions in Singapore. And this is a big topic (2), but more on that later.

When I was younger, I was not in favour of unions, but as I started work, I realized that exploitation is real and there are enough informational inequalities that maintain the balance of power against workers. So, I am not in favour of unions losing power, I believe they exist for a reason and have proven their usefulness over time. If you think your ‘40hr’ week, paid holidays, sick leave were unilaterally given by kind employers looking after the welfare of their workers, think again.

In fact, in the USA, president Biden, on labour day, said: “Wall Street didn’t build America… the middle class built America… and Unions built the middle class”(3) Even in arguably the home of capitalism, unions are valued. So why is Singapore apparently selling off a crown jewel of the union movement?

To me, the debate surrounding NTUC Income is not restricted to just insurance, but is seen as symptomatic of the change in the role of the unions in Singapore.

This is especially relevant to Singapore, given the role that the Union movement has played in the transformation of Singapore from third to first world in the span of a few decades.

Unions at the core of the Singapore success story

When the father of Singapore wanted to decide the trajectory he would place Singapore on, he turned to Dutch economist Albert Winsemius. The latter’s concise and precise advice was two-fold (4):

Number one is: get rid of the Communists; how you get rid of them does not interest me as an economist, but get them out of the government, get them out of the unions, get them off the streets. How you do it, is your job

Number two is: let [the statue of Stamford] Raffles stand where he stands today; say publicly that you accept the heavy ties with the West because you will very much need them in your economic programme.

NTUC (National Trades Union Congress) was created in 1961 to stem the threat of communism and give workers a disciplined voice in the development of Singapore together with employers and the government “the promotion of good industrial relations for the benefit of workers, employers and the economy.”(1).

As part of this mission, NTUC started creating co-operatives: NTUC Income (INsurance COperative COMmonwealth Enterprise Ltd) with the declared aim to ““to make insurance accessible, affordable and sustainable for all”. Value, not profit, is maximised for customers.(1). To make transport more accessible and protect the rights of drivers, NTUC Comfort (CO-operative coMmonwealth FOR Transport Ltd) and NTUC Welcome now Fairprice to “FairPrice has kept the cost of living affordable for ordinary workers by offering basic necessities at lower, stable prices.

For the sake of brevity, I will focus on the changes that have been happening in NTUC Income and NTUC Fairprice to show how the labour market is planned to change going forward.

NTUC is slowly but surely changing

NTUC Fairprice is changing

My mother-in-law often used to laugh that we shopped at NTUC Fairprice, stating things are often more expensive in Fairprice (that was before the new and more budget friendly supermarkets such as ShengSiong). And after getting nagged enough, we found out she was right. Instead of assuming that NTUC Fairprice would be worker friendly and price friendly, we should have checked. So, to put it simple, NTUC Fairprice is probably not (no longer?) the more budget friendly supermarket in Singapore.

A second point I would make to show how NTUC Fairprice has shifted in its approach is the self-service. I have mentioned before that I am not for business shifting costs to consumers – such as supermarkets asking customers to scan and bag their purchases themselves rather than paying professional people to help customers. However, NTUC’s self-serve has a unique approach among supermarkets in Singapore. I call it the ‘no-trust’ approach.

When you use the self-serve counter at NTUC, every item you take in your basket and every item you bag is weighed. Any discrepancy in weight is flagged and a human has to verify you are not cheating and has to override the system, allowing you to continue. Even shifting your own bag as you arrange the items you bought is likely to alarm the system. Other supermarkets do not use weight as a critical parameter. Hence my description of the system as a ‘no-trust’ system.

Singapore is a country where some people leave their wallets in public on tables to reserve their slot, but where it seems NTUC Fairprice believes supermarket items will be stolen, or maybe that’s what they think of their customers specifically.

Thirdly, apart from pricing and trust, I would like to highlight the leadership changes in NTUC Fairprice. Since April 2022, NTUC has hired a CEO who previously used to be Pizza Hut International President (5). To me this suggests a more ‘professional’ ‘profit-based’ approach, quite a far cry from the ‘basic necessities as lower stable prices’ concept. It would seem the mantle has been taken over by ShengSiong instead.(6)

You may find it odd that I highlight the change in leadership, but as you will see next, leadership changes in Singapore, or at least government influenced NTUC are not random.

NTUC Income’s change is even more obvious

As mentioned earlier, NTUC Income was created to make insurance accessible, affordable and sustainable to all in Singapore. To follow up on the idea of leadership as a guide to direction, let us look at the leadership of NTUC Income. The longest serving CEO is Mr Tan Kin Lian, from 1977 to 2007.He started as an insurance clerk, becoming an actuary, and joined NTUC Income in 1970 (6). If you look into his background (7), “throughout his 30-year term as CEO, Tan flew in economy class, even on long haul flights. This management style clashed with some of NTUC Income's board members, who preferred the company to be run on a more commercial or professional basis, and even advocated it to be privatised. The board asked Tan to step down after completing his 30-year term at the helm.“(8), you can understand he is very attached to the principles that NTUC Income embodied right from the start.

He was replaced by Mr Tan Suee Chieh, who stayed in post until 2013 when he moved to NTUC Enterprise.(9) He had run Prudential before and was also an actuary as was Mr Tan Kin Lian. He had served on the board of NTUC income since 2003 (10), the same board that had clashed with Mr Tan Kin Lian. His appointment facilitated the move of NTUC income towards more professional agents for example.

He was replaced by Mr Ken Ng, who was previously chief actuary of NTUC Income (11), who then also moved to NTUC Enterprise to make way for the current CEO, Mr Andrew Yeo who previously ran a business line, not the actuary function (12).

Mr Tan Suee Chieh wrote an open letter to the MAS (13) where he highlighted his own role in major changes that took place in NTUC Income. From 2015 to 2020, NTUC Enterprise (the group) injected capital into NTUC Income, getting shares at the co-operative’s par value of $10, while diluting the shares of other co-operatives and owners of shares in the co-operative from 70% to 30%, with NTUC Enterprise effectively controlling the fate of NTUC Income. He, himself, assured the other share owners that NTUC Enterprise would hold these shares for ever. “I was the Group CEO of NE at that time and played a significant role in assuring and persuading NTUC Income’s independent directors of NE’s commitment, that NE would not redeem its capital (NE shares would be permanent). The purpose of NE making this commitment was to safeguard the social mission of NTUC Income in the long term.

The next major change in NTUC Income’s journey was when, under the CEO Mr Andrew Yeo, it was incorporated in 2022, no more a co-operative. According to Mr Tan Suee Chieh, he asked for assurances about the NTUC Enterprise’s (NE) commitment to hold the shares of NTUC Income as he himself promised earlier “I expressed my concerns about the corporatisation of NTUC Income (see my previous letter to MAS of 13 February 2022). I also previously quoted in that letter to MAS of 13 February 2022 from the letter sent to me by NTUC Income on 10 February 2022: “You have raised two further points in your latest letter. First, you mention the reference in our 19 January letter to NE’s majority shareholding in Newco, and ask after the permanence of this On the first issue, NE has publicly expressed its commitment to Income. It has confirmed that, notwithstanding the corporatisation, it will continue to be the majority shareholder of Newco

However, fast forward to 2024, NTUC Income plans to sell 51% of its shares to Allianz. You can read more about the controversy, since Allianz is not known for looking after “accessibility, affordability and sustainability” but rather profits.

You can read the reactions of Mr Tan Kin Lian (14)(15) and Mr Tan Suee Chieh (16)(17)(18), previous actuaries and NTUC Income CEOs to Allianz being asked to buy a majority stake in NTUC Income.

Whether you like the fact that Allianz will take over NTUC Income or not, you should be able to understand that this wasn’t a move done in haste. CEOs have been removed, moved to group (NTUC Enterprise level), business focused CEO appointed, corporatization, and now sale.

One thing you can never accuse Singapore of is not planning 😊

My point is that NTUC as a co-operative, with aims of a Union co-operative is losing its sheen, and a group that focuses on profits for shareholders rather than social goals is an outcome you could reasonably expect.

So, what does this mean?

Before I go there, let me highlight 2 more changes happening in Singapore in 2024.

30,000 subsidised courses

Firstly, 30,000 new courses have been added to the list of approved government subsidized courses (19), yes you read correctly, 30,000 subsidised courses are available (or will soon be) to Singaporeans to learn new things, or deepen their knowledge in their areas of interest. And yes, there are some about analytics, of varying quality of course, given the number of courses.

Unemployment benefits

Yes, you again read correctly, announced during the new PM’s national day speech, Singapore is going to provide unemployment benefits (20). This is a very different direction from what most people would have assumed Singapore is taking, given the history.

The founding father of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew stated “We are mindful of the dangers of high welfare and unemployment benefits, watching the consequences of this compassionate policy on the job seeking habits of the unemployed. Visiting the major cities of the industrial countries, I am struck by this curious phenomena of high unemployment and yet a shortage of waiters, cabdrivers, nurses and garbage collectors. Some jobs are not worth doing, as a result of welfare benefits. Whatever principles may be applicable in highly developed industrial countries, for a resource-poor country like Singapore, hard work and high performance amply rewarded, is the best way to attract capital and technology into the country to generate wealth.”(21)

Mr Lee Kuan Yew PM of Singapore even from before independence, 1959 to 1990, he was followed by Mr Goh Chok Ting from 1990 to 2004, and Mr Lee Hsieng Loong, Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s son from 2004 to 2024, and the new PM who announced the unemployment benefit is Mr Lawrence Wong who took over this year. Another change in leadership; what does this herald?

So, what does it mean???

To me, it is quite simple:

  • Singapore doesn’t do things randomly
  • As seen in NTUC Fairprice, NTUC Income, and even the Prime Ministership, changes at the top show major changes in policy direction
  • The concept of collective bargaining/unions is not as strong in Singapore, as shown by the leaders who run businesses even amidst the Union Enterprise
  • The new subsidized courses and unemployment benefit point to a new direction by the new PM
  • The direction is that of personal responsibility.
  • Forget the iron rice bowl (or even the aluminum one), you will probably be involuntarily unemployed sooner or later, and may be more than once, and the responsibility to get yourself back on track is yours.

Singapore has basically decided that the Union ship has sailed. Going forward, each individual’s career is that individual’s own responsibility. There will be no established collective organization to support ‘workers’. It will be each creature for itself, with the government providing rope ladders for those who wish to climb or change the course of their lives, and small safety nets for those who fall overboard and are stranded.

What does this mean for the middle class then?

“The middle class will be made up of self-reliant people who rely on themselves to forge and stay in the middle class”. To catch you when you fall, the government is instituting some temporary safety nets. But do not over stay your welcome, else you will not be middle class for long.

Which ideology do you favour, for you, for your parents, for your children?

In Sum

I started by saying that I understand the importance of Unions, and I still do. However, I can also see what Singapore seems to be trying to do.

If I restrict myself to my field, Analytics/Data World, I do not disagree with the concept of personal responsibility for one’s own career.

I have argued before that organisations do not really need full time data scientists (22 – wah! That was 6 years ago!) Add to this the fact that Analytics is constantly evolving, knowing where your strengths reside (23) and keeping in touch is necessary. Add to this the advent of GenAI, if your ‘analytics’ job is repetitive, be afraid, be very afraid.

To me, Singapore is actively encouraging organisations to automate, use robots(24)(25)(26), use GenAI as much as possible, with Singapore leading the world (27)

To add to this, pressure on workers residing in Singapore does not come only from technology but also from workers from outside Singapore, with the recent 2024Q2 numbers showing growth in employment driven solely by employment of non-residents: “Resident employment fell by 600 while non-resident employment grew by 12,000, with the latter accounting for all the increase in Q2.” (28) and the latest population numbers 6.04m on 730 odd sq.km (29)

Hence, to me, Singapore has cast the dice, much earlier than the rest of the world, unions are going to be something of the past, and personal responsibility with some help from the government is the way forward.

What do you think of this cast of the dice?

My view

To me, the critical piece is informational asymmetry and interesting statistics used for decision making.

I mentioned information asymmetry earlier as a reason for the importance of trade unions. Whether horizontal (role based) or vertical (industry based), unions are very well informed of the conditions their individual members are in, and by the power of collective bargaining are thus able to pressure organisations to be fairer in rewarding employees. Unions have full time employees, and some of them spend time and effort to collate real data.

Without unions, this would be very hard for individuals. Sure, there is Glassdoor to try and crowd source information, but I believe unions have an edge. Add to this, individual workers would have to develop negotiation skills, not everyone’s boat would float with the tide anymore, to each his/her own. (Plug for analytics and negotiation courses!)

Another concern is data used for decision making. In Singapore, most people eat at hawker centres or coffee shops. However, according to official data, price of food has only risen by 6.1% last year (30), I had my doubts. I am an avid local kopi-o-kosong guzzler, and have seen the price rise by much more than 10%. And I am not alone (31). Furthermore, portions are shrinking (32), therefore, the items in the basket used to calculate the consumer prices are different; is like comparing ikan bilis to garoupa (anchovies to grouper), simply bad maths (and horrible analytics).

Given the direction I believe Singapore has chosen to go, it is crucial for the government to provide clear information to bridge the information gap so workers are not exploited as per the times before unions, and do something about profiteering, may be look into oligopolistic tendencies in the market that allow prices to rise way beyond costs. Kamala Harris has described this as price gouging (33) and it is not only in the USA, my kopi-o-kosong attests to that.


1 https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/article-detail?cmsuuid=189c5b78-e21f-442d-8f93-c8ee64b1b515

2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIgzqaCqTho

3 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/sep/03/kamala-harris-joe-biden-campaign-labor-day-pittsburgh

4 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/PAP-06-2018-002/full/html

5 https://www.ntuc.org.sg/uportal/news/FairPrice-Group-Appoints-New-Group-CEO/

6 https://links.sgx.com/FileOpen/SSG%20-%20Sheng%20Siong%20adds%20all%20house%20brand%20products%20on%20Price%20Kaki%20-%201%20July%202022%20-%20Final.ashx?App=Announcement&FileID=722471

7 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/tan-kin-lian-presidential-candidate-ntuc-income-chief-3713406

8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Kin_Lian

9 https://tansueechieh.com/about/

10 https://www.income.com.sg/media/income/About-Us/Corporate-Information/Reports-Publications/Annual-Report-2006Transition.pdf

11 https://www.icmifasiaoceania.coop/wp/?page_id=2557

12 https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/banking-finance/ntuc-income-names-andrew-yeo-new-ceo

13 https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2024/08/02/open-letter-to-mas-on-sale-of-income-insurance-to-allianz/

14 https://www.facebook.com/kinlian/posts/pfbid024SVP4zaT7RvuSw1bxytiEAEFpvti57sfxqYwixyFLUaBz8Wc989md8iTJLQuQAB5l

15 https://gutzy.asia/2024/07/19/allianzs-acquisition-of-ntuc-income-insurance-founding-ceo-tan-kin-lian-expresses-disappointment/

16 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sueechiehtan_commentary-whats-behind-the-concern-over-activity-7223453846553948160-DCuV/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

17 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sueechiehtan_second-open-letter-to-mas-in-response-to-activity-7226138464570814464--S2E/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

18 https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2024/08/05/open-letter-to-mas-on-ntuc-income-sale-urgent-call-for-comprehensive-review/

19 https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/skillsfuture-credit-use-can-be-used-30000-new-online-courses

20 https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/19/in-major-policy-shift-singapore-announces-unemployment-support-scheme.html

21 https://www.nas.gov.sg/archivesonline/data/pdfdoc/lky19780225.pdf

22 https://thegatesofbabylon.blogspot.com/2018/05/should-you-hire-data-scientists-on-gigs.html

23 https://thegatesofbabylon.blogspot.com/2019/04/some-pointers-on-how-to-plan-your.html

24 https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/housing/robots-that-paint-and-lay-floor-tiles-are-revolutionising-construction-in-singapore

25 https://www.changiairport.com/corporate/media-centre/changijourneys/the-changi-experience/how-robots-are-revolutionalising-the-guest-experience-at-Jewel.html

26 https://www.straitstimes.com/tech/5g-enabled-robots-to-clean-singapore-s-rivers-patrol-streets-and-build-hyundai-evs

27 https://sbr.com.sg/hr-education/news/singapore-leads-global-genai-business-adoption-customer-trust-trails-behind

28 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/mom-labour-market-employment-jobs-non-resident-4611556

29 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/singapore-population-604-million-non-resident-increase-4627281

30 https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/hawker-food-prices-rose-by-61-in-2023-but-cost-pressure-easing

31 https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/1bwc22j/is_coffeeshop_coffee_prices_insanely_high_right/?rdt=45718

32 https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/18r6kfp/anecdotally_how_bad_are_you_experiencing/

33 https://abcnews.go.com/Business/harris-unveils-economic-plans-inflation-housing-economists/story?id=112892305


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